January/February 2017

Theme:Revisiting Business Sustainability And Key Strategies To Ponder Upon In The Journey Towards Sustainable Development


# Healthy Soil, Healthy Mankind: Our Journey Towards Sustainable Development At The Iconic Makaibari Tea EstatesBy Mr. Rajah Banerjee

# Retirement and Business Sustainability: A New Deal By Mr. David Ang

# Revisiting Business Sustainability And Key Strategies To Ponder Upon In The Journey Towards Sustainable DevelopmentBy Mr. Harish Pant

# Business Sustainability: The key theme worthy to be revisited in times good or bad By Dr. Jayantee Mukherjee Saha

October 2016

Theme: Your industry amid global VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Chaos and Ambiguity).


# Human Resource Management and Organisational Effectiveness:
Examples from the Asia Pacific
By Prof. Chris Rowley

# B2B e-commerce sector amid rising global VUCA By Mr. Viresh Oberoi

# Indian Manufacturing Industry amid rising global VUCA By Mr. Harish Pant

# Role Of HR Amid Rising Global Volatility, Uncertainty, Chaos And Ambiguity (VUCA)-Can Thoughts Become Things? By Dr. Jayantee Mukherjee Saha


Leveraging 'People' Power of Sustainability

December 2017

Theme: Simplifying Business Complexities- Can we not?


Simplification of Banking Business at State Bank of India, Sydney BranchBy Mr. Pranay Kumar

# Streamlining performance managementBy Dr. Alan Nankervis

Simplifying Business Complexities – Can we not? Yes, we can! A perspective from Singapore for its SMEs. By Mr. David Ang

​# Business Without Complexities- Can the ocean be without the waves?                      By  Dr. Jayantee Mukherjee Saha

February 2018 

Theme: Let's Talk Business: Experts' Outlook 2018 [Here]

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Aei4eiA's Research Snippets: Experts Forum

Snippets on Manpower & Labour Market, HR & Business matters based on Aei4eiA’s research work and experts' opinion.

​Now-a-days, we often hear the following- a) the global socio-economic landscape is changing fast- much faster than anyone would have comprehended even half a decade ago; b) Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity-VUCA, is the new normal and c) the Asia-pacific-region is the new global growth engine and is playing a significant role in establishing the new world order. 

New issues and challenges are emerging that the business leaders, policy makers and others in the field were unfamiliar with in the past. Global bodies, strategists and change-makers are ever exploring ways to manage the dynamism while stabilising the present and securing the future.

In the given context, it has become a necessity for intellectuals and experts to come together and initiate a discussion to address the pressing challenges and pertinent issues that are impacting the 
Manpower & Labour Market | HR & Business. Experts Forum is Aei4eiA's initiative - a confluence of experts from academia and industry to regularly (quarterly) discuss, share views, think and act on above matters through short and succinct snippets.

Aimed at strategists, policy makers, scholars, academicians, HR and business leaders, the
 key objectives of this forum are-
a) To initiate discussions on issues and challenges facing the region (with a focus on Australia, India, Singapore (AIS) and broadly global matters impacting the APAC region).

 b) To generate a repository of expert views/knowledge on matters related to Manpower & Labour Market | HR & Business and 

c) To collaboratively contribute towards sustainable development.​

May 2017

Theme:Business risks in this inter-connected world 


# The crisis in higher education: Will universities survive? By Dr. Alan Nankervis

# Business risks in this inter-connected world Aerospace and Defense By Dr. Harish Pant

# From an adventure film, a suspense thriller to a sci-fi movie: Business risks in this inter-connected world By  Dr. Jayantee Mukherjee Saha

​# Retirement and Business Sustainability: A New Deal By Mr. David Ang

July 2016

Theme: In the current context, manpower and labour market through experts' eyes.


# Graduate Work-readiness in the Asia Pacific – nature, causes and some solutions. By Prof. Alan Nankervis

# Employment related impact of Brexit By Prof. Chris Rowley

# Disrupters hold key to unhindered e-commerce sector growth By Mr. Viresh Oberoi

# HR FACTS to Excel By Mr. Harish Pant

# More ...